
Our Founder Lord Sheikh

It was Lord Sheikh who took the initiative to create The National Muslim War Memorial Trust, pulling together the other trustees. He died on 22 September 2022 and will be terribly missed by family and by his many friends from all communities in the UK and around the world.

We reproduce below the detailed biography of Lord Sheikh on his website. We have left it in the present tense, as he wrote it.

Lord Sheikh's biography from his personal website

Lord Sheikh was born in Kenya and brought up in Uganda. His family originated from Punjab.

Lord Sheikh has been honoured by the presentation of several personal awards which have been given to him for his achievements, leadership, business and community work.

He has also been awarded an honorary doctorate for Humanitarian work which he undertakes. Lord Sheikh has been added to the 2021 Indiaspora Government Leaders List which recognises 200 government leaders of Indian heritage in 15 countries around the world.   

He has founded and funds a registered charity named after his august father.  He is a patron of the charity, Orphans in Need, and also supports other charities.

Lord Sheikh was elevated to the House of Lords in 2006.  He is an active Peer and speaks regularly in the House of Lords on a variety of subjects.  He has travelled extensively overseas and visited a number of countries and at present works towards expanding trade between the United Kingdom and overseas countries.

He is a Patron of several Muslim and non-Muslim organisations and is actively involved in strengthening relationships between various racial and religious groups. His Coat of Arms signifies the value of education and gives a message that Islam is a religion of peace.

He is the Chairman of companies relating to Property and other businesses. He used to be the Chairman and Chief Executive of an Insurance organisation which was awarded 12 major awards over a period of three years and this has not been achieved by any other organisation.

Lord Sheikh is also a writer. His first book on the Maharaja Ranjit Singh was very well received, and his second, An Indian in the House, is on the first four Indians who were members of British Parliament. He has nearly completed his third which is a historical novel.

He has been a visiting lecturer at Universities and acts as an advisor to a British University. He promotes educational and cultural ties between the UK and other countries.

He founded the Conservative Muslim Forum and chaired it for several years. He is now President of the Forum.

He has founded and Co-Chairs the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Islamic and Ethical Finance in British Parliament. It is a robust body and receives support from British Parliamentarians from all the political parties. He is actively involved in promoting Islamic and Ethical finance in UK and in overseas countries.

He is co-chair of the APPG on Turkey and the Prevention of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity. He is also a vice-chair of the APPGs on Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan.

He has been described as a businessman, academic, philanthropist and writer.

Personal tributes to Lord Sheikh can be left below, by using the comments box. All comments will be reviewed by the site administrator before publication to avoid spam.

8 responses

  1. I was first introduced to Lord Sheikh in June 2006. Since then, we worked very closely together with regard to the Conservative Muslim Forum, NMWMT, and other occasional voluntary projects. He was totally committed to serving the whole community, and gave of his time and money selflessly. I will never forget him.

    Mohammed Amin

  2. He was unique. Honest, generous and always stood up for the truth and justice. Never wavered from that.
    On his last day on this earth, he was trying to raise funds for peoples in Pakistan who suffered so much and lost everything in dreaded floods. He was always giving and never asked for anything in exchanged.
    I remember, he once said, and I quote. “when a tree bears fruit, it branches bend so that others can pick and eat its fruit”.
    Prayers were said for his soul throughout U.K; Europe and Africa,
    He will be missed by many.

  3. Very sad to learn of the passing of Lord Sheikh who I remember so fondly for his pioneering work with the Conservatives’ Muslim forum and ethnic diversity council.

    I had the honour of attending Lord Sheikh’s colourful book launch at London’s Nehru Centre earlier this summer, in May 2022. Amongst other things, we had a laugh about a parking spot for his famous Bentley with the memorable registration plate SHE1KH!

    My condolences to his family and friends

    Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un إِنَّا لِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ

    To God we belong and to Him we return

  4. The Ansher Capital team and I remain in shock of the news of the passing of Lord Sheikh.
    We had been in constant contact with him in connection with the implementation of a number of projects in Uzbekistan.
    He was very passionate about the National Muslim War Memorial Trust, so much so that he engaged us in his vision and the mission of the Trust.
    He passed away so suddenly… He was full of ideas and initiatives; he was a man with a pure soul, he was very kind, and he always strived to make the world a better place.
    Lord Sheikh will always remain in our memories.
    May Allah grant him the highest rank in Jannah.

  5. Whilst I never gained the opportunity to meet the late Lord Sheikh. I first came across him when I heard of the founding of the National Muslim War Memorial Trust. It is a great initiative taken by the late Lord Sheikh, it is a long overdue initiative, to give recognition not only to Muslim soldiers who served in the Boer War, First World War and Second World War, however, all subsequent wars fought in Iraq, Afghanistan and other parts of the world too.

    My paternal grandfather, Mahomed Gama, served Great Britain in the First World War. He served in the Mercantile Marine, on the SS Khiva, transporting American troops from New York to various ports in the United Kingdom – Plymouth, Liverpool and London, between 1917 and 1918 for the onward cross channel journey to France, as part of the war effort. Many Muslim seafarers perished at sea in both World Wars, after the vessels they had been serving on were torpedoed by German U-boat submarines. Thus, they have no grave, but, the sea!

    My sincere condolences to the Royal Family on the sad demise of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, on Monday, 8th September 2022. It was not until fourteen days later in the same month, that, we learnt of the sad demise of Lord Sheikh, my sincere condolences to his beloved family, friends and acquaintances and all at the National Muslim War Memorial.

    Asif Shakoor
    Tuesday, 4th October 2022
    London, UK

  6. He was a clever man, he was a great character & did a lot for charity & humanity & will be sorely missed by his family & all that knew him. Sure he will leave a great legacy behind. May Allah/God bless him in Paradise.

    Hon Zarina Sheikh
    Lord Sheikh’s daughter.

  7. إِنَّا لِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ
    Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un
    Surely To Allah (God) we belong and to Him we shall return

    The Lord Sheikh was my Uncle, my Father’s older brother. To the world he was a businessman, academic, philanthropist, humanitarian and writer. To me he always gave me great advice growing up and in my career. He was down to earth and always happy. He made people feel important. When I was younger he played with my brother and I whizzing us around in boxes until we would laugh and always giving us £1 coins whenever he would see us.

    An intelligent man, fair person and always did what he believed was right. Certainly a well respected person.

    His charity work and support for so many different organisations all over the world was selfless and admirable; in particular the National Muslim War Memorial Trust was a great initiative, giving recognition to all Muslim soldiers. I believe he changed peoples thoughts believing anything is possible and made this world a better place.

    His legacy will live on in our memories and hearts. May Allah SWT grant The Highest rank in Jannah.

  8. Man of honour, Noble man Lord Sheikh!
    You will be missed and May you rest in peace. I met Lord Sheikh and his wife Lady Guli at one of our Turkish events. He cared so much about humanity besides he was a friend of Turkey.
    Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un
    Surely To Allah (God) we belong and to Him, we shall return.

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Photograph of Lord Sheikh with the years of his birth and death

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